Department of Forensic-Medicine


The Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology is committed to achieving the following objectives:

  • Imparting comprehensive knowledge of forensic medicine, toxicology, and medico-legal aspects to medical students.
  • Equipping students with the skills to conduct medico-legal investigations and examinations, aiding the legal system.
  • Promoting ethical practices and sensitivity while dealing with forensic cases.
  • Encouraging research and innovation in the field of forensic medicine and toxicology.
  • Advancing the field of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology through research and quality education.
  • Training medical professionals to address medical health issues and legal aspects of poisoning.
  • Equipping doctors to diagnose, manage, and identify the legal dimensions of common poisoning cases.
  • Instilling principles of medical ethics, professionalism, and respect for the code of medical ethics among students.


Our department boasts state-of-the-art facilities that support the teaching, research, and practical aspects of forensic medicine and toxicology:

  • Fully-equipped autopsy hall for post-mortem examinations and practical training.
  • Multimedia-equipped lecture halls for interactive learning.
  • Extensive library with a wide range of books, journals, and reference materials.
  • Spacious staff room with cabins for faculty and non-teaching staff.
  • Two demo rooms accommodating 100 students each with teaching facilities.
  • Museum hall with displays of specimens, poisons, weapons, bones, instruments, charts, and photographs.
  • Departmental library with a collection of more than 100 books.
  • Research and practical labs for specimen examination.
  • Separate mortuary building with autopsy rooms.

Departmental Activities

We engage in a variety of activities that enrich the learning experience and contribute to the field:


  • Teaching theoretical and practical aspects of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology to M.B.B.S. students in their second and third years.
  • Fostering an understanding of medical ethics and legal aspects of medical practice.
  • Conducting mock trials to familiarize students with courtroom procedures and functions.
  • Providing insights into the Criminal Justice System and its interaction with medical practice.
  • Seminars, workshops, and guest lectures by renowned experts in forensic science.
  • Participation in medico-legal cases, providing expert opinions for the legal system.
  • Conducting continuing medical education (CME) programs for professionals.
  • Organizing forensic awareness campaigns in the community.


Awards & Achievements

Name Miss. Neelanjana Ghosh Miss. Gaddam Ruta Chandrakant Miss. Patil Sakshi Jitendra Miss. Perampalli Alfiya Yunus
Award Name Dr.Sudhakar Sane MUHS Gold Medal Dr.Sudhakar Sane MUHS Gold Medal Dr.Sudhakar Sane MUHS Gold Medal Dr.Sudhakar Sane MUHS Gold Medal
Rank First First First First
Batch Batch-2014 of ARMCH&RC Batch-2015 of ARMCH&RC Batch-2017 of ARMCH&RC Batch-2018 of ARMCH&RC
Class Second Year MBBS Second Year MBBS Second Year MBBS Second Year MBBS
Location Solapur Solapur Solapur Solapur

Research Activities

Our faculty and students are actively involved in cutting-edge research initiatives:

  • Analysis of trace evidence to aid in criminal investigations.
  • Research on forensic DNA profiling and its applications.

Outreach Activities

Our department conducts mock trials and outreach activities to bridge the gap between theory and practice:

  • Regular mock trials to simulate courtroom procedures and enhance understanding of legal processes.
  • Creating a platform for students to observe and participate in mock courtroom scenarios.
  • Enhancing students’ ability to provide expert opinions and testimony in legal cases.
  • Strengthening the connection between medical practice and legal proceedings.

Other Activities

  • Organizing awareness campaigns on substance abuse and its consequences.
  • Providing expert opinions in legal cases to ensure justice.
  • Collaboration with law enforcement agencies for accurate and timely medico-legal investigations.
  • Conducting workshops on forensic evidence collection for law enforcement personnel.

Value Added courses

  • Preparing documents in forensic Medicine.
  • Procedure and fuctions of courts
